WAVE Connection

Lifetime Investment

Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, IRRQuest Group hereby grants Customer, and Customer accepts, a non-exclusive, non-transferable, paid-up license to use the Digital Product as follows:

User can use any computer or device that is compatible with the use of the Digital Product. IRRQuest Group shall not be liable in any way for the materials and other softwares required to run the Digital Product properly, except the Digital Product itself.

The price is for one (1) User, represented by the person or entity who purchased the Digital Product. If you intend to use the Digital Product for more than one (1) unique user, you should order as many licenses as necessary. You are not allowed to copy, reproduce or distribute the Digital Product, except an additional copy for your personal backup purpose.

User must not copy, reproduce, modify, reverse engineer, disassembly, or attempt to, any of the code of the Product or have any behavior that constitutes a breach as set forth in this Agreement with regards to the Code of Conduct, or our Intellectual Property, licensors’ or service providers’. Customer must comply with the copyright notice and any other notice specific to the Digital Product.

You are not allowed to resell the Digital Product, neither in part nor as a whole.

WAVE Connection : develop Value-focused Habits and Growth

Originally called 'Learn & Earn' with reference to the purpose it serves, this subject-to-copyright melody has proved in time to be a powerful catalyst to enhance both fast-learning and fast-growing human potential. To play in loop during meditation time, learning creative and critical thinking activities, to connect long-term thinking and purpose as one. French & English (US) included..

In celebration of the Super Blue Blood Moon by the 31th of January 2018, it was assembled in the form of a 47 seconds music video presenting a selected series of quotes on the theme of UNITY symbolized by the hashtags #WeAreValuE #WAVE; grateful for all those who participated in its launch on the social media and who surf the wave! This special event took place when it had been more than 150 years that a supermoon (its perigee coincides with a full moon), blue moon (second full moon in a month) and total eclipse coincide.

Value starts with Values

14-day money back

Made with love, to offer you the best products and Value-related personal and professional experiences. Somewhat ... Magic!


WAVE Connection : développer son potentiel de Valeur et de Croissance

Initialement nommée ‘Learn & Earn’ ('Apprends et Récolte') en référence à l’enjeu visé, cette mélodie sujette à copyright a démontré avec le temps être un catalyseur puissant de notre potentiel d’apprentissage et de développement rapide. À écouter en boucle pendant son temps de meditation, d’apprentissage créatif et de réflexion critique, afin de favoriser l’unité entre la réflexion long-terme et l’enjeu de création de valeur. Français & Anglais (US) inclus..

En célébration de la super lune bleue de sang du 31 Janvier 2018, elle prend ici la forme d’une vidéo musicale de 47 secondes présentant une série de citations sur le thème de l’UNITÉ, symbolisée par les hashtags #WeAreValuE #WAVE; de la gratitude envers celles et ceux qui ont participé à son lancement sur les réseaux sociaux, et qui surfent la vague! Cet événement a eu lieu 150 ans après qu’une super lune (son périgée coïncide avec une pleine lune), lune bleue (deuxième pleine lune en un mois) et une éclipse totale ont coïncidé.

La Valeur commence par les Valeurs

14 jours satisfait ou remboursé

Fait avec amour, pour vous offrir les meilleurs produits et expériences personnelles comme professionnelles de la Valeur. Quelque peu ... Magique!


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Prices are Tax excluded. Professionals should provide their international VAT number. Individuals should provide their address.

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